Love is the lifeline. God created the heavens and the earth, made the sun and the moon, and decorated the lower sky with stars, meteors, and meteors, just as He decorated the earth with rivers, valleys, mountains, deserts, orchards, and forests. If we look at the universe and carefully consider it, we will find that everything in it moves, moves, and is in harmony with love, for love is the foundation of everything. Love exists among creatures. We worship God with love, and worship with love is more sincere and sincere. Love generates giving, and God’s giving to us is endless. When you love, you give... you sacrifice... you obey... you save... happiness is with love, for love is the basis of happiness, and love never changes or transforms unless it is false. Love does not have to be between Adam and Eve, but rather it must be between friends and brothers, a mother and her children, a father and his children, and the greatest love is that between a servant and his Lord. If God loves you, He will love creation for you. We strive to love others, and we strive to beautify them and pretend to be for them. We hide our faults and everything that flawes us, so we try to imitate shapes that they love in order to make them love us. We change our style, even the way we coexist, talk, laugh, and everything in us. This is not love, this is endearment, meaning I make him love me, not because I am this, but because he loves this, so I am this. If God saves us with love, we will love Him with purity because we know that He knows our faults and all the bad in us, so He loves us and we love Him. God’s love is the greatest and truest love. God’s love makes people love you with everything that is in you, so if they love you with a love that God placed in them, they will see you as beautiful, and God will cover your faults for them. Humans are born to love, and love is more perfect than them and higher in status. Love is like eating, drinking, and breathing. Love is life. Love is like a drug. An addict cannot do without it. In my society, you find people searching for love between Facebook pages and between WhatsApp and chat messages. This is what is called electronic love, and you find it almost extinct on the ground. Technology, social media, and chat did not make love have restrictions, rules, or foundations. They stole and killed the pleasure of this love and imposed the death penalty on longing, so longing became It is loaded with a few false words, and the love merchants on Facebook pages have become more than its subscribers, and sweet talk is sold in the name of love. As for the reality on the ground, there is nothing wrong with it. Love became a trade for those who are good at sweet talk and those who have money and good looks. Love became the practice of immorality, so sex became permissible under the name of love, and all of this is Western intellectual nourishment. They published romantic magazines and series, and it occupied everyone’s mind and occupied the girl’s heart before the boy’s because they know the extent of its influence on the man’s heart and that it leads him to the brink of destruction and he cannot be strong with it emotionally. They charged the youth with sentimentality, tempted them with fake tears, and promoted their trade under the name of love.
From the book Life Excerpts